Work in progress on Falkirk’s Great Place project

Work in progress on Falkirk’s Great Place project

Volunteering 12 February 2019

Work in progress on Falkirk’s Great Place project

Following a successful bid for the largest Heritage Lottery Fund Great Place grant awarded in Scotland, planning is moving ahead on the Falkirk Great Place scheme with the hiring of Project Coordinator, Helen Rashad, who is now in post.

Rashad says: “Great Place will offer many new opportunities to local communities to get involved not only in exploring the rich built and natural heritage of the area but in researching and telling their own stories and advocating for the heritage that means the most to them. The people of the Falkirk area are passionate about their rich local history and culture and I’m thrilled to be leading a project that will magnify that heritage and sense of Falkirk as a great place to live and visit. Thanks to National Lottery players we will be able to build on the strong partnerships already existing in the district and use local heritage as a continued driver for development and social cohesion.”

The partnership is also currently recruiting three part-time Activity Lead Officers in the areas of: Engagement, Research & Development; Tourism, Leisure & Events; Learning, Culture & Creativity. These three roles will be a vital part of the team driving forward the Great Place initiative and candidates from all backgrounds are encouraged to view and apply for these vacancies at

Following a number of pilot projects and community events in early 2019, Great Place will launch a busy programme of activities and new digital resources this summer to help residents and visitors alike experience and explore the rich heritage of the Falkirk area.

For more information on how your community group, school, or organisation can get involved in these activities, please contact the team at or follow Great Place Falkirk on social media: @GreatPlaceFK for regular updates.

The Great Places Scheme has been devised and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund in consultation with organisations involved in regeneration to ensure it responds to the specific needs of Scottish places, from city-wide initiatives to smaller, rural schemes. Falkirk: landscape, industry and work will use the funding to place heritage at the heart of joined-up thinking to create a better place for people to live and visit.

The project partnership for Falkirk’s Great Place scheme includes Falkirk Community Trust, Falkirk Council, Scottish Canals, and Central Scotland Green Network Trust.

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