Booking Information


Self-led workshops: 50p per pupil (with use of our activities and resources)

Visit from our Archaeologist: £35.00 per class

Partnered workshop with Under the Trees: £85.00

Gladiator School and Big Roman Week workshops: £80.00 per class

Songs of the Jacobites workshop: £40.00 per class

Gladiators: A Cemetery of Secrets exhibition visit: £1.50 per pupil

Self-guided visits are free of charge

How To Book

Please email with the following information:

Name of school and contact details, selected workshop, prefered date(s) and times, primary level and number in class. Please also specify whether or not a lunch space is required and any special access requirements.

Gladiators: A Cemetery of Secrets exhibition: please call our booking team on 01324 506850

Please note: unless otherwise stated, workshops are available from 10.30am - 12noon and 1pm - 2:30pm

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