Arts Exhibitions

East and West Scottish Paintings Barbara Rae

  • Free Parking
  • Free Entry

This Barbara Rae exhibition is the latest in a series mounted by Falkirk Council to celebrate Scottish artists with a connection to Falkirk.

Born in Falkirk, one of Britain’s outstanding painters and master printmakers, Barbara Rae CBE RA RSA RE, is a Royal Academician, recipient of numerous awards including three honorary doctorates.
This is her first opportunity to present a solo exhibition of her work at Callendar House.

Barbara Rae is an international artist and is renowned as an inveterate traveller/artist, seeking out her subject matter all around the globe- from Arizona to Antarctica. With this exhibition however, she has preferred to show work inspired by two of her favourite Scottish sites-Leith Docks in the East and the Atlantic coastline in the West-hence the title of this exhibition.

This creates an intriguing duality through a wide range of contrasts between the urban and the rural, the man-made and the natural, the industrial and the geological, the modern and the romantic.

The exhibition runs until Sunday 10 September and is FREE entry between 10am and 5pm (every day except Tuesday).

It takes place over both temporary exhibition spaces in Callendar House - the Park Gallery and Second-floor Gallery.

Have a listen to when Barbara was interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland presenter Nicola Meighan on The Culture Scene Podcast. 

Callendar House

Callendar Park,

01324 503772

Closed Now 10:00 - 17:00


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