If you are looking to keep your children active for half a day, a full day or even a full week, the Multi Sports Camp is for you. Led by experienced coaches and leaders, the children will be entertained and active! Our camp will give the children a taste of activities such as basketball, football, tennis, dancing and games. Suitable for P1 – P7*.
Half Day £9.50
Full Day £19
Full Week £95
2nd and 3rd sibling discount of 10% is available. Please note the additional sibling discount does not apply to any other parts of our holiday programme.
8.45am Early drop off (included in full day and AM only)
9am – 4pm Full day
9am – 12.15pm AM
12.45pm – 4pm PM
What to bring
Suitable sportswear + swimming gear. Outdoor clothing inc. hat, jacket, sunscreen and big smiles! Snacks and drinks. Lunch, if staying all day.
* Must have completed P1 by June 2023.
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