
The Wind

HippFest 2024 concludes with the world premiere of the prestigious new restoration of one of cinema’s greatest achievements.

Screen legend Lillian Gish is Letty, a sweet-natured young woman who tries to start a new life with her cousin in the desolate and unforgiving landscape of West Texas. There she is met with hostility by her cousin’s hard-edged wife, and the brutal indifference of Nature itself. Containing many elements central to the Western – the settlers’ struggle, harsh frontier surroundings, lawlessness, honour and self-determination – this is ultimately a stirring psychological study of one woman at odds with the world she finds herself in.

**Content warning: themes of sexual violence**

Dir. Victor Sjöström | US | 1928 | N/C 12A | 1h 35m (TBC)

With: Lillian Gish, Lars Hanson, Montagu Love, Dorothy Cumming

Performing live: Stephen Horne (piano) and Frank Bockius (percussion)

Online programme notes and in-person introduction by Bryony Dixon, Curator of Silent Film, BFI National Archive

Restored by The Museum of Modern Art with support from the Celeste Bartos Fund for Film Preservation. 


10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


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