Film Arts

Workshop: Cooking With Joan Crawford

Join Jenny Hammerton for a fun-filled, hands-on cocktail and canapé workshop! Please note that this event is at Bo'ness Town Hall.

Jenny will share Joan's wisdom on how to host fabulous dinner parties, including whom to invite, how to design a menu and why you should glitter and sparkle as you greet your guests.

Several of Joan's canapé favourites will be demonstrated and you'll get the chance to make some of your own. A cocktail invented by Joan will be served and Jenny will explain how to make this at home (non-alcoholic cocktail and vegan canapé  versions will be available). Bring an apron and some Tupperware to take home your nibbly bits, and when you get home, do as Joan would do every night without exception: dine by candlelight.

Pre-booking required, all ingredients provided
Select vegan/alcohol free when booking as required
Age 16+ (18+ ID required for alcoholic cocktail)

Bo'ness Town Hall

Glebe Park,
Stewart Avenue,
EH51 9NJ

01324 504339



10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


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