Fit and Active Outdoor Activities

Scrambles - Aonach Eagach

All Scrambling starts at 0700 and costs £80      

From the Lochaber and Glen Coe classics to the wilds of Ardgour or Arrochar, all the way over to the northern Cairngorms, our mountain scramble days are for folk who enjoy moving fast over technical terrain in spectacular settings. The nature of these scrambles means the participant should have previous experience of steep ground.

Aonach Eagach

Our summer outing to this most iconic of mainland ridges takes place midweek to avoid the crowds. Billed by some as the hardest scramble on the mainland but the moves are pretty straightforward if you are on a tight rope. Taking in two Munros, we start at the higher eastern end and then scramble towards the western seaboard.


Outdoor Activities Base

Bothkennar Hub, Main Street, Skinflats, FK2 8NU

01324 506846

Closed Now -


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