A programme of events will run throughout Forth Valley to show support and raise awareness to the range of resources available for those who need them.
16 days of Activism against gender-based violence is a global campaign calling for an end to violence against women and girls. Launched in 1991, the campaign runs every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day).
As well as raising awareness, the 16 Days campaign gives an opportunity for individuals and groups to get involved, share knowledge, and create ways to achieve equality and respect for everyone, regardless of their gender.
Contact linda.gilliland@falkirk.gov.uk or IlseSanchez.Posso@falkirk.gov.uk for more information on any of the events .
Friday, 25 November
Saturday, 26 November
Sunday, 27 November
Monday, 28 November
Tuesday, 29 November
Wednesday, 30 November
Thursday, 1 December
Friday, 2 December
Monday, 5 December
Tuesday, 6 December
Wednesday, 7 December
Thursday, 8 December
Friday, 9 December
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