FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall) Closure FAQs

FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall) Closure FAQs

Arts 29 September 2022

FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall) Closure FAQs

FAQs regarding the closure of FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall)

FAQs regarding the closure of FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall)

Why has the Council closed FTH Theatre
The Town Hall is approx. 60 years old and in a poor condition. It is fundamentally linked to the Municipal Buildings which are about to be demolished and it would cost £2.3m to disentangle the two properties and a closure of the FTH Theatre for 12 months to complete the work. This did not represent good value for money and a full closure is the pragmatic option in difficult circumstances.


When will FTH Theatre close?
FTH Theatre closed for performances on Tuesday 7 February 2023 and will be fully closed from March 2023 and demolished thereafter.


What will happen to local groups who use FTH Theatre?
The Council is working with local groups to identify other venues to accommodate their activities. Most lets for 2023 have been accommodated in other council venues but any remaining affected groups should email arts@falkirk.gov.uk


What other venues does the Council have?
We knew that closure in 2023 would cause disruption to local groups who use the existing FTH Theatre until such time as the new arts centre is opened. We are working with groups to explore ways in which productions can be modified to be accommodated into the alternative venues available in the Falkirk area. Also, we are relocating as much of the technical equipment (sound, light, rigging, etc.) to other venues – principally Grangemouth and Bo’ness Town Halls. However, we do recognise that the capacities and technical facilities will be different to those available at FTH Theatre. The main alternative council venues are : Grangemouth Town Hall (434 seat capacity) and Bo’ness Town Hall (390 seat capacity).  Other non-Council venues include the Dobbie Hall (476 seat capacity) and The Sanctuary at Falkirk Trinity Church (240-440 seat capacity). 


What is the Council doing to support groups relocate?

The Council has requested Officers to engage with Voluntary Arts groups directly with regard to the financial assistance required to the sector to support the delivery of their programmes in alternative venues. If you are a member of an affected group and have not been contacted, please email arts@falkirk.gov.uk and an Officer will be in touch.


When will the new Town Hall be delivered?
Subject to approval of the report, Officers will develop the business case for the new Town Hall and progress proposals on the site options available.


7.Where will the new Town Hall be built?
The council is aware of a number of sites that could accommodate the new Town Hall and will progress negotiations with the owners of these if the report is approved. At this stage the council has not agreed a preferred site.


How much will the new Town Hall cost?
The budget for the new town hall is £39m and any project will require to be delivered within this.

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