26 March 2021
Grangemouth Golf Club update
25/3/21 Falkirk Community Trust is delighted to announce a new partnership with Grangemouth Golf Club for the new 2021/22 season. A joint agreement will see the Club taking on responsibility for the operational management of the site from the 1st of April 2021, with the Trust being asked to continue to support the maintenance of the course under the auspices of the Head Greenkeeper Mike Love. This approach encourages and empowers the local community to become more directly involved in the delivery of community facing services such as those at Grangemouth Golf Course.
This creative approach to Falkirk Community Trust’s support for a local community club such as Grangemouth demonstrates the progress which can be made with innovative thinking and collaborative working.
The local community club (Grangemouth Golf Club) is currently seeking charitable status and aspire to provide a sustainable non-profit making golf facility, which is of a high quality, accessible and affordable for players from the local community as well as visitors. Rightly proud of the heritage of the Council owned course, the club wish to protect the original FW Hawtree's design, while offering excellent golf facilities that aim to improve the wider health and well-being related benefits to the community.
Together Falkirk Community Trust and Grangemouth Golf Club have steered golf through a difficult year of pandemic restrictions, working tirelessly to continue to provide golfing opportunities for members and Pay and Play customers alike. With close attention to Scottish Government regulations and Scottish Golf guidance, over 20,000 rounds of golf have been enjoyed at the course since it reopened at the end of May 2021 following a short period of COVID related closure.
Both organisations hope the local golfing community will continue to support them through this process, and new members or Pay and Play customers are always very welcome at Grangemouth Golf Club. For more information contact info@grangemouthgolfclub.co.uk or follow the club on facebook - Grangemouth Golf Club. Pictured here, L to R are: David White, Chair FCT, Maureen Campbell OBE, CEO FCT, Russell Wilson, Club Captain and Anne Cunningham, Club Secretary.