Volunteering 06 June 2021
Volunteers' Week - Care Words Project
This weekend is the UK’s annual get-together for neighbours and communities, The Big Lunch.
As part of @VolunteersWeek we’re celebrating the volunteers we work with and the difference they can make to people’s lives.
Today we want to share with you the work of our volunteers on the Care Words project.
This Big Lottery Funded project brings together older people in care settings for reading and reminiscence sessions, led by our dedicated trained volunteers.
Tanya Milligan is our Project Lead for Care Words. Here’s what she had to say about the impact of our volunteers: “The National Lottery supported us to go into care settings for older people and run Care Words groups. Many of our clients lived with dementia and our volunteers made a huge difference – one lady recited a poem she learnt at school – when most days she hardly spoke. Our clients would chat and sing happily because of our volunteers.”
You guys are absolute champions, enriching the lives of the people who meet. Thank you.
If you are inspired to get involved with volunteering, pop onto our website for more information https://www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org/get-involved/volunteering/