Learning 08 April 2020
Falkirk Libraries Care Words Project
Our libraries have developed the Care Words Project with the aim of bringing together older people in care settings (both day care and residential) for reading and reminiscence sessions, led by dedicated trained volunteers. The team have created a variety of resources such as books, poetry, music, objects and images which are used to engage people. The benefits are already visible in improved mood and wellbeing, the sound of laughter and bringing people together. 23 volunteers were recruited and trained to deliver the Care Words experience and they have carried out multiple sessions across 10 care homes in the area and reached 140 people.
Care Words is a Big Lottery-funded project run by Falkirk Community Trust Libraries. We aim to reduce the isolation sometimes felt by older adults by bringing groups of people together to explore stories, poetry and literature, generating conversations and stimulating memories. As a free library service for care homes we hope to improve people’s lives and provide a source of entertainment for some of the most vulnerable in society.
We’d like to help people become more empowered, improve their well-being, self-esteem, and confidence and establish or strengthen existing friendships. Overall we hope group members and volunteers enjoy themselves and have fun at these interactive sessions. Session take place in care settings in the Falkirk area, however volunteers from other areas and districts are very welcome to get involved. If you could like more information please email us at hello@falkirkcommunitytrust.org