Hidden Heritage is coming to life at Kinneil

Proposed Discovery Trail at Kinneil

Volunteering 23 September 2019

Proposed Discovery Trail at Kinneil

Since May 2019 volunteers have been researching the history of Kinneil Estate and creating five interpretation boards for some of the areas of the Estate which people might not otherwise know about. These will be installed this summer once it is safe to do so.

The volunteers have also worked with a landscape architect, and the local community, to design a Discovery Trail around the estate. The proposed design is shown on the weblinks below and we would love it if you could have a look at the design proposals first and then answer a short questionnaire.

An overview of the whole design 

Area around James Watt Cottage and Woodland Car park

Medieval Play Village

Bell Pits Detailed Design

Antonine Wall proposals

Once we have gained enough support we will ask organisations who provide funding for projects, such as the National Lottery, if they can help us make it happen.


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