1. Leg Extension - Sit tall in chair, extend left leg in front and squeeze top of thigh, repeat with right for 30 seconds alternating between each leg.
2. Chest Press & Heel Tap - Sit tall in chair, extend left leg forward tapping heel on floor, at same time push arms forward (as if pushing something away), repeat for 30 seconds, alternating between each leg.
3. Leg Lifts & Arm Row - Sit tall in chair, extend arms forward, as you pull arms back lift left leg slightly off floor. Push arms forward & lower leg. Repeat on right side at same time, pulling arms back. Keep alternating between each leg for 30 seconds.
4. Side Bends - Sit tall in chair, slide left hand down leg of chair for the count of 5 seconds, repeat on right side. Repeat this for 30 seconds.
5. Side Shoulder Raise - Sit tall in chair, slight bend in elbows, left arms up to shoulder height and then lower. Repeat for 30 seconds.
6. Squats - Standing behind chair and hold for balance. Push bottom back, keeping chest up, bend knees and lower yourself towards floor (ensuring you can always see your toes). Repeat for 30 seconds.
7. Hamstring Curls - Standing behind chair, feet wider than hips. Lift each heel up towards bottom, repeat alternating each side for 30 seconds.
8. One Foot Balance - Standing behind chair, holding chair for balance, left foot off floor (if you can, let go of the chair - give it a try!). Hold your balance as long as you can, repeat other side.