Experience a double dose of the Golden Age of train travel by watching this cracking nail-biter filmed on board the Flying Scotsman, from your seat on the station platform of the heritage railway in Bo’ness.
The Flying Scotsman – the most iconic train in British railway history – was just six years old when it starred in Castleton Knight’s runaway train thriller on its journey from London to Edinburgh. When a vengeful stoker attempts to sabotage Old Bob’s final day working on board the mighty steam train, he hadn’t counted on Bob’s daughter (Pauline Johnson) who discovers the plot and boards the train to save the day. Filmed on the Hertford loop line, the action features plenty of footplate close-ups and daredevil shots of Johnson performing her own stunts edging along the narrow running board in heels. Originally intended as a silent, dialogue and sound effects were added to its second half in March 1930. This evening’s outdoor screening is of the hybrid silent/talkie version with live piano accompaniment for the first half. The original silent version screens at the Barony Theatre on Saturday 17 March.
This screening is outdoors, under the platform awning. Dress for the weather! Blankets provided.
Dir. Castleton Knight | UK | 1929 | cert PG | 58m | hybrid silent and talkie
With: Moore Marriott, Pauline Johnson, Ray Milland, Alec Hurley
Performing live: Jane Gardner (piano)
Screening courtesy of Park Circus
Online programme notes by Marc David Jacobs
Screening sponsored and made possible by INDY Cinema Group
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