On a rainy night in Busan, So-young (Lee ‘IU’ Ji-eun) leaves her baby Woo-sung outside a ‘baby box’, a safe place set up in Korean churches for new mothers to leave unwanted infants. Instead, he’s picked up by Sang-hyun (Parasite’s Song Kang-ho) who runs an unofficial adoption brokerage and plans to find him a new home.
So-young tracks down both Sang-hyun and his business partner Dong-soo (Gang Dong-won) and decides to join their pursuit (alongside a seven-year-old stowaway from a nearby orphanage), but as they search for Woo-sung’s new family, the unlikely group evolves into something of a family themselves – unaware they’re being tailed by two detectives (Doona Bae, Lee Joo-young) who are determined to stop them.
Heartwarming, funny and moving, BROKER is the outstanding new film from Hirokazu Kore-eda, the acclaimed director of Shoplifters.
Dir: Hirokazu Koreeda | South Korea | 2022 | cert. 12A | 2h 9m
With: Song Kang-ho, Gang Dong-won, Bae Doona
In Korean with English subtitles.
This is a Cuppa Screening
Cuppa Screenings start at 10:15am with a chance to get your tea/coffee and cake before the screening starts at 11:00am.
Prices: £6.75 with refreshments | £4.45 film only
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